Board of Trustees

Hubie Manns – President
The President shall preside at the meeting of the Club and of the Board of Trustees. He/She shall be the administrative Officer of the Club. He/She shall appoint, subject to confirmation of the Board of Trustees, a Financial Secretary to assist the Treasurer and a Corresponding and recording Secretary to assist the Secretary, all standing committees, designating the Chairperson thereof and all special committees as may be directed. He/She shall be ex-officio, a member of all committees.

Lori Keller – Vice-President-Administration
The Vice-President – Administration, in the absence or disability of the President, shall act in his stead. He/She shall, under the direction of the President, attend to the business and financial operations of the Club and shall be the Chairperson of the Finance Committee. He/She shall administrate all Club business between the Board of Trustees, the Manager and employees. He/She shall be a member of the Rules Committee. He/She shall be ex-officio, a member of all committees.

John Phillips – Vice-President – Pool and Grounds
The Vice-President – Pools and Grounds, in the absence or disability of the President and Vice-President – Administration, shall act for the President. He/She shall, under the direction of the President, attend to the improvement and maintenance of the pool, buildings, operating equipment, and grounds. He/She shall recommend to the Board, for their approval, any improvement or maintenance other than routine maintenance. He/She shall set forth specifications and obtain at least three (3) bids on any improvement or maintenance over a value of nine hundred ninety-nine dollars and ninety-nine cents ($999.99).

Rich Brown / Bart Fanelle – Treasurer
The Treasurer shall attend to keeping the accounts of the Club, collecting its revenues, and paying its bills as approved by the Board of Trustees, or other agency authorized by the Board of Trustees to incur them. He/She shall deposit funds of the Club received by him/her, in the name of the Club in such depository as may be authorized by the Board. He/She shall perform such other duties pertaining to the office as may be asked of him/her by the Board. He/She shall be bonded. The Financial Secretary shall keep a Club membership book showing the names and addresses of the members of the Club, together with a complete record in full or on account.

Liz Gregory – Secretary
The Secretary shall attend to the correspondence and record of the Club. He/She shall make and keep minutes of all meetings of the Board of Trustees and of the General Membership Meetings. He/She shall conduct all official correspondence and keep all other Club records, other than financial. He/She shall issue new member’s certificate and shall be the custodian of the Club Seal. He/She shall, with the President, sign all contracts, certificates, and papers relating to the business of the Club. He/She shall perform such other duties pertaining to the office as may be asked of him/her by the Board.

Ray Schott / Mark Kleiner – Grounds and Facilities
Jim Lymper – Swim Team Liaison / Tricounty Representative
Danny Market – Membership

Sara Fallon-Louis – Communications

Danielle Tsoukalas – Snack Bar

Pool Management

Josh Hare – Manager –
Dan McMaster– Assistant Manager
Nicolas Lampe– Assistant Manager


The success of any organization is directly related to the involvement of its members. If you would be interested in volunteering to serve on any of the committees listed below just click here.

By Laws Committee shall recommend changes of these By Laws to the Board of Trustees, for their approval, in accordance with Article XI, Section 5.

Program Committee shall prepare the program of instruction and entertainment, and exercise supervision over same.

Membership Committee, in accordance with Article IX, Section 5, shall investigate and report to the Board of trustees, upon desirability of applicants for membership.

Finance Committee shall prepare the annual budget for submission to and approval by the Board of Trustees, and shall exercise general supervision over the financial transactions of the Club. Such annual budget shall be presented to the membership at the spring membership meeting.

Rules Committee shall prepare rules of health and good conduct in connection with the operation of the pool and shall see that the rules and regulations are enforced.

Nominating Committee, in accordance with Article VII, Section 1(b), shall nominate candidates for the Board of Trustees and for the Nominating Committee for the succeeding year.

Planning Committee shall conduct necessary feasibility studies and submit appropriate recommendations to the Board of Trustees on matters concerning the improvements or expansion of existing facilities.

Public Relations Committee shall arrange for necessary publicity for the Club and its scheduled events with the community.

Swim Team Committee shall coordinate and exercise necessary supervision over swim team coaches and representation to any swim organization to which the Club may belong.