Rules and Regs
The following rules and regulations have been established to ensure the safety and sanitary operation of the pools and club facilities and for the safety, protection and benefit of all members and their guests.
The pool board reserves the right to revise these Rules and regulations at any time. In the event of revision or addition, the membership will be approximately and timely informed. All members are requested to familiarize themselves, their children and guests with these Rules and Regulations, to observe them and obey the instructions of the manager and staff.
1. All persons, including children & guests, using the pool and the club facilities do so at their own risk.
3. All trash is to be disposed of in the trash receptacles.
4. All injuries, however slight, must be reported immediately to the manager on duty.
5. Rowdy or disruptive behavior, profane language or other conduct affecting the safety and comfort of others is prohibited.
6. The club will not be responsible for any personal property left on the premises.
7. The club will not be responsible for any articles lost or stolen.
8. The Lost and Found Department will be maintained at the checker’s booth for items of value. Towels, clothing, googles, etc. will be kept in the snack bar area. Any unclaimed items will be discarded after two weeks.
9. Loitering, congregating or visiting at the entrance, checker’s booth, or manager’s office is prohibited.
10. The manager or appropriate board member must approve notices or items to be posted on the kiosk.
11. Lounge chairs, umbrellas, and picnic tables are provided on a first come, first served basis. Reserving them for others is prohibited.
12. Children under the age of 18 years of age should relinquish lounge chairs on weekends or holidays in the event that there are not enough for the adults to use.
13. The cost to repair or replace damaged property will be charged to the responsible member. If a guest or minor causes damage, the sponsoring member will be charged.
14. The parking lot speed limit is restricted to 10 M.P.H. Strict observance of the one way signs will be enforced.
15. Drinking alcoholic beverages on the grounds of the club shall be limited to club members and guests who meet the New Jersey Alcohol and Beverage Commission regulations pertaining to possessions and consumption of alcohol. Appropriate ID will be required to be shown on request. Offenders may have pool privileges revoked for a period of time determined by the manager and the Board of Trustees.
16. Drinks of any kind must be in a plastic container. NO GLASS CONTAINERS ALLOWED.
17. The wading pool is without lifeguard protection and is intended for children under the age of 7 years. BANDED SWIMMERS ARE NOT ALLOWED IN THE WADING POOL.
19. All children in diapers must either wear swim diapers or diapers with plastic pants. Do not wash out soiled diapers in the bathing area.
20. Only small rubber or plastic toys are permitted in the wading pool.
21. Children using the wading pool, play area and equipment are to be under the direct supervision of a parent or responsible individual.
All members and guests, including children, using the club’s facilities do so at their own risk. Children breaking these rules will be benched for a time deemed appropriate by the lifeguard. Multiple infractions of the rules will be dealt with by the pool manager. A flagrant violation of any rule makes the violator subject to immediate suspension from the pool premises at the discretion of the pool manager.
The club will not be responsible for any accident or injury in connection with such use. The club will not be responsible for any property lost or stolen. A designated lost and found area will hold items for a limited period of time.